Friday, October 04, 2024

Recent and Upcoming Cigar Box/Band Art and Accessories

Good morning, fellow smokers, friends, and fans!

As promised in the last post, This one is sharing some of what I'll be doing with my recent haul of cigar boxes. 

 Yes, I had to buy some for the shadow boxes, because I mostly get 5-10 packs, rather than boxes, so I can have a good variety of my favourite sticks and still pay bills and buy groceries. Most of the boxes will be great for the shadow boxes, but also, a couple lend themselves more to other items, as my imagination "saw" them in looking over the various boxes. 

Here are the ones for shadow boxes. Though I have to say part of me wants to craft a giant, fake cigar to put that giant "band" from the outside of the Ashton box around! Like maybe out of clay as a sort of statue or something, but I don't know that anyone would want that, so probably, it will just be affixed into the box to be a backdrop for the bands, or I might use it in one of the ashtray, cup holder, and accessory trays. Speaking of which... 

This will be a tray with built in resin astray on one side, a drink holder, suitable for a good sized rocks glass, coffee mug, etc on the other, and the centre area free for lighter, matches, cutter, punch, chocolate, etc. There will be some bands and most likely some gold leaf, and maybe a bit of tobacco leaf and/or Spanish cedar curls encased in the layer of clear resin protecting the the entire tray, making it safe from spills, wayward ash, or whatever, and easy to clean. 

It will be up for auction and there will be a post announcing it on here and on FaceBook and FL when it's completed. 

The ashtray will be one of these two designs, most likely, but crystal clear, or mostly so with a bit of embellishment, to fully showcase the box art. 

 Also, both of those ashtray shape designs are available in pretty much ANY colour combination you can think of, including metallics, chromed, and "chameleon" colour shifting ones, translucent or opaque, or just crystal clear, with or without embellishments suspended inside like the one below. 

The rocks in there are pearlescent, UV/blue light reactive, by the way. Just wanted to experiment and see how it turned out. I like it.

Pretty much anything can be embedded in them. Coins, gold, silver, or copper leaf, cigar bands, ash, tobacco leaf, other dried foliage or flowers, charms, crystals, tiny figurines... literally anything as long as it won't be damaged by the heat of curing. These designs are also available in concrete, which can also be coloured, but not quite as vibrantly. I'll have a shopping cart available for them eventually, but, for now, if you want to order something, you can use the contact form. Most of them are going to run you about $20.00-$25.00 USD, including Priority 2-3 day insured shipping. No real limit on the number of colours at that price, but certain custom embedded items may cost a little more, if they cost ME more or are hard to get. More designs are in the works, and will also be available in all the aforementioned types!

Anyway... Moving on.

This here box is going to be a lighted curio box/shelf.

 The inside at the back will have the lights and cigar bands embedded, and the rest of the cubby and the tray shelf formed by the lid can be used to store or display things.  The "tray" will also be layered with resin and some to be determined decorations. It could be mounted to a wall (heavy duty clear gel double stick adhesive included) to use as a shelf, or on a table to use to set ashtray and accessories on, or use the tray portion as a coaster, or really however you want to use it! This will be another auction item, most likely. Though, if someone contacts me before I make it, wanting to have it done custom for them and buy it outright, I suppose that can be done too. Same as the shadow boxes not already specifically slated for auction yet.

I still haven't decided what this box will become, but am surely open to suggestions or special requests!


Stay tuned for more! 


Smokey Kisses,


~ Khaos

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Shadow Box Prototype Update and More Exciting News!

 Some of you may remember a post I made a couple years back about a cigar band shadow box. Well, between then and now, there have been some upheavals - taking over the raising my now teenage grandchild, two moves, a lot of needed services for said teen, and lots of work taking my new home from a great house to an AWESOME one, lots of which will be described on my main blog, as I get caught up on sorting pics and long overdue posts! 


I finished the shadow box a couple weeks ago - so I thought, and it looked pretty good. 

BUT... Then I got some new ideas for how to make it even better, based on another new idea I had put into motion (more on that below!), so back to the drawing board I went, completely deconstructing it and redoing it. I removed all the silver tape, completely untangled the light string wire (No! Of course I did not cuss like a low class cretin! I did it properly, like a fucking LADY! LOL), and hot glued the lights in around the backboard in a far more orderly manner, and also all across the surface in strategic spots, to better illuminate all the bands. I then actually arranged all the bands purposefully, where, before they were just kinda all jumbled in there, which was cool, but not as much of an intentional art piece as I decided I wanted. I am very pleased with the end result!

I wish I had thought to take photos of the actual process as I was making it, but I was caught up in the creative maelstrom, and it didn't even occur to me at all. 

However, this brings me to the other new idea I mentioned above. 

If you recall, my original post about the shadow box promised more of them when I finished, to go up for auction. So, as I was looking for more shadow boxes, and wasn't especially trilled with what I was finding, or the cost, frankly, for what is essentially an empty box and a little glass, I was suddenly struck, out of nowhere, with a thought I now can't believe didn't occur to me before! "What if", I thought, "I used CIGAR boxes instead!?" Those would be way cooler for cigar art, and, as a bonus, turn out to be far more inexpensive to acquire. Of course, then I was met with the issue of the glass and front pieces, but I quickly solved that quandary - Picture frames! And, of course, picture frames are available in far more styles than shadow boxes, and can be had inexpensively. Further, this provides me more opportunity to paint them to match boxes, combine more than one for more custom looks, etc. So yeah, a little more work, but the kind that I love cause it really lets me get my creativity on.  

So, on to the second cigar band shadow box, and first one to be auctioned off as soon as I finish it. 

Here are a few pictures of the progress so far:

I have the frame already prepped for it, and am just waiting for the lights that will be going on the bottom ledge for this one. I didn't  take a pic with the frame just sitting on it, because I couldn't get it to sit right without risking breaking the glass, so you'll see the fully finished product once it's all secured and ready to go up for auction. I LOVE that the art in/on a lot of the boxes and the different sizes and shapes gives me more of a palette for really making each piece unique, and already have specific plans for several of the boxes I now have. Of course, you don't have to wait for me to put something up for auction either! I will totally take custom orders based on what supplies I have available. More info on how to do that will be forthcoming soon, but, for now, you can just use the contact form on the Smokey Kisses website
Here is an example of one of the combined and painted photo frames to leave you with until the next post.

Speaking of the next post, that will feature photos of the boxes I have and the various cigar art and accessory projects in ADDITION to the shadow boxes that I have available and in the works, including fully custom cigar leaf ashtrays, created entirely by me, from idea, clay prototype, making the mould, and finally, the first finished piece - which is mine. LOL. Subsequent ones will be for sale, along with the other cigar ashtrays I've made recently that I didn't decide I liked too much to sell. (It's a hazard of making nice things!).
See y'all soon in the next post with more news!

Smokey Kisses,


~ Khaos

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Moving update UPDATE

 Hello, my smoking friends and fans! You may have been wondering why there haven't been any more sets posted, or updates, or socials, or anything, since my update about moving to my new place. 

Well, I'll tell you why. Slumlords. That's why. It turns out that there are a LOT of problems with this place, that were cleverly disguised with new, nice looking flooring and other "band-aids" to make it seem like the "newly renovated" moniker meant it was in good condition. In reality, the new paint, flooring, trim, etc was hiding rotting floor supports and subfloor, ancient, brittle, and faulty wiring, plumbing issues, roof damage, and more. After fighting with the property owners for months, and finally legally forcing them to start fixing things for REAL (rather than sending in their tame, general contractor, maintenance guys in to jerry rig things), they decided to evict me on the basis of the place needing major renovation. Yup. That's right.. the very things I am making them fix are now the reason for my being kicked out. Because they HAVE to fix them now, but if they fix them while I live here, they aren't allowed to raise my rent because of it, AND they would have to put me up in another unit they own whilst the work is being done. So they are pulling permits and doing the renos, and then will rent it out to a brand new sucker for a much higher rent. I feel bad for whomever that is, cause these guys are the epitome of slumlords. I was never even able to get my stuff completely unpacked or the rooms of back yard area set up properly, due to all the issues, let alone have time or space to enjoy a nice cigar.

BUT... Don't feel bad for me, because guess what! I found a MUCH better place.. A real house (not mobile home), a little bigger, but with a HUGE, fenced yard, a nice patio, a lovely rose garden, an attached, partially enclosed (soon to be fully enclosed and contain my workshop and a play room) carport, and lots of other great features. 

So, moving day is this Thursday - 4 days from now, and boy do I have lots of plans for this beautiful property! There will definitely be many a stoagie enjoyed in my luxurious, back yard oasis, in the outdoor living room, dining room, rose garden, and around the fire pit once all those things get set up. It will take time and effort, but the result will be worth it!

I'll be posting some pictures eventually!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

I'm finally moving into my new home!

  In just a couple, short (although they feel like forever! LOL) days, I am going to be moved into my new house. Above, there's a pic from when I was there checking out the property pre-move in to get set for my actual move, and my doggo checking out the neighbour cats out one of the VERY MANY windows. The move is commencing tomorrow (Friday). I won't have internet until (hopefully) sometime on Saturday or Sunday, assuming everything is wired as it ought to me. And, of course I'll be pretty busy all weekend with moving stuff, but by midweek, I expect to be able to post an update!

What that means for you is that I will, once again, finally have space - and NICE space at that, both indoors and out, for some really good quality photo shoots. 

No more everything being in my desk chair, mere inches from my bed and everything else crammed into a single room, and bad lighting. 

Nope! There will be sets in my living room, my play room/dungeon, my very generously sized front porch, my adorable little back yard (with a tall privacy fence), maybe even a bubble bath set! And yes, there will still be sets from Zoom sessions, at my desk, but even those will be much nicer due to proper lighting and nicer background. The first couple of those might be less nice in the lighting and background department, what with tons of boxes and all, but as soon as I've got everything unpacked and in place properly, look out!

Oh! And also, for those of you who had regularly (or even occasionally) tuned in to my radio shows, those will be resuming soon as well! Who knows? Maybe, if the internet is good enough, we could do a live Zoom cigar chat whilst I am DJing a time or two. Then you can tune in to my show for some great tunes whilst we smoke!

I'm so excited! 

So, until my next post from my new home, 

Smokey Kisses,


~ Khaos

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Cigar Smoking Mini Sets #46 & #47 Uploaded


2019.08.18 ~ Man O' War Ruination Belicoso

Just a mini "set" with a couple pics of me enjoying a summer evening Man O' War Ruination Belicoso on the back patio.  

2019.08.20 ~ Nub 460 Connecticut

Another mini set finds me on the back patio on a sweltering August afternoon. I picked the Nub cause it was too hot to stay outside long enough to smoke a bigger cigar. And I smoked that Nub right down to the nub! Definitely more of a breakfast cigar for me, but it was still delicious.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Cigar Set #63 Uploaded ~ 2022.09.08 ~ Man O'War Ruination


Just another lil set with 77 smokey photos from my Thursday Zoom call. The Man O'War Ruination was calling my name that day, and it was oh, so delicious. One of these days, I'll get around to actually reviewing those, cause they are really nice. 

Friday, September 09, 2022

Stogie Set #62 Uploaded ~ 2022.09.01 ~ Oliva Serie V

 I FINALLY finished going through and editing more than 200 photos from this set, and uploading the 176 that made the cut. During this weekly Zoom encounter, I enjoyed an Oliva Serie V in these, one of my top 10 cigars for sure! In fact, my review back in 2010 rated it 10/10. That said, I was new to writing reviews back then, and I really need to reprise that one. Guess that means I'll have to force myself to smoke another Serie V. Darn! ;)

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Cigar Set #59 Released ~ 2022.05.19 ~ OM Final Blend


Here is a short set whilst thoroughly enjoying a very tasty, 2010, limited run, Final Blend from Famous Smoke. Unfortunately, it had been hiding out in my humidors for over 10 years, and by the time I discovered this wonderful smoke, it was too late to get any more. Read my review of this smoke here.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Cigar Set #61 Uploaded ~ 2022.08.25 ~ Drew Estate Tabak Especial Red Eye


My regular, Thursday afternoon Zoom session from last week. This time over an hour and a half of great conversation with fine cigars and coffee. Mmmmmm... good!
I discussed and reviewed this smoke during the course of the call too, and then wrote it all down. See the review here.
And if you want your own, private, cigar Zoom call with me, you can schedule a virtual session here.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Cigar Set #44 Uploaded ~ Gran Habano Vintage Corojo 2002

Another previously unreleased set uploaded. This one finds me puffing on a a Gran Habano Vintage Corojo 2002 on the front porch of my home at the time.