Friday, July 08, 2005

Who wants to smoke my "shorts"?

Well, this idea is from my special cigar friend, Steph in Germany...

When I smoke my cigars, sometimes I don't have time to smoke them all the way down, or since I can be so picky, I stop when they don't taste as perfect to me anymore. Soo, that means that I have various "shorts" or leftovers. I wonder how many of you would be interested in having those when my lips are finished with them. It will be almost like sharing a cigar with me!
Let me know what you think.

Needless to say, Steph gets the first set of them and for the amount it takes to send them to him since he asked first and I thought it was such a great idea! (Extra kisses to you Steph!)


Anonymous said...

hehehe .... i wish you a good morning from Germany Khaos - i hope you had a good sleep tonite.
What a surprise when i found out that you have posted this wonderful introduction on my MSN group and uploaded those wonderful cigar pics of yourself there.
I thank you so very much - i really feel very proud. The next surprise was to find this great blog (dont worry about not being familiar with blogs - i can tell you that i dont even know what a blog is....but it's a great place and i will put the link to my favorite list as soon as i am on my pc at home)....i am very glad that you think that my idea with selling your "shorts" is a good idea. I am sure there is some interest in buying them on the virtual smoking fetish scene - i would recommend you to visit also - which is actually the best market place for the smoking fetish. You also will find special cigar smoking fetish boards there and i bet my ass that someone from there will be your next buyer.

I am really excited to get those shorts from you and i hope you have also found my email to you.

....hehehe...and i seem to be your first guest on your block with the first message on your messageboard.

Its great to have met you - i told you that i still remember you from the time when i was quite new to all this virtual smoking fetish stuff in 1997. So - to me your are really a Smoking Fetish Celebrity...

thank you very much again for your outstanding work for the Cigar Smoking Fetish.....

1000s of filterless smokey kisses
your german friend Stef

Anonymous said...

oh my holy godness Khaos - i forgot to mention that i am at work right now and i have checked if i can go to your cigar page without being blocked by the internet supervision.
it worked :-)) and i finally could see this fantastic cigarsmoking video of you.
Well you know about my vices now and i am sure you easily can imagine that i have a nice woody now ....
its hard to concentrate on my friday afternoon workload now :-))

THANK YOU so very much for my excitement.

1000s of filterless smokey kisses and greetings coming a long smokey way from Germany