Wednesday, January 06, 2010

January Photo Shoot

This month's photo and video shoot is scheduled for January 26th, and possibly continuing through the 28th, if enough donations are received.

The shoot is planned to take place in a room with a lovely sunken tub, in a black marble and mirror enclosure.

Expect lots of smoke, steam and bubbles!

The deadline for the minimum donation of $100 to be collected in order for this to happen is January 22nd.
The deadline for additional days is 11:59pm, Pacific time (GMT-8), the night before, to allow for notifying hotel staff, while still giving an opportunity for viewers to decide they wish anther day of photos and videos.

Launch of new photo/video shoot program!

As promised, here are the details of the new plan.

Every month, I will schedule a 1 or more day shoot. Whether it happens or not, and how many photo/video sets there are will depend on my supporters.

Near the beginning of every month, I will post the date of the scheduled shoot, along with some information on the location and theme/setting.

When the donations for that month reach $100, the shoot will be confirmed and the reservation made.
All donators for that month will be invited to a special, VIP smoking video chat with me and will be able to watch live, streaming video as I smoke for you. It will be the next best thing to being there while the photos and videos are shot!

For every additional $100, another day will be added to the shooting, along with another photo set, video, live stream and video chat.

YOU get to help decide on settings, themes, etc.
I will be taking suggestions and requests for those, along with locations and other things.
If there are multiple location/theme requests in a month, the highest donor decides.

So get creative!! Research Western Washington locations that you would like to see shoots done! If it is something that will require more funds than the standard, kick in some extra to make it possible.
Is there a special outfit you want to see me in? Send it to me (or donate the proper amount and direct me to where I can get it) Same with props, backdrops, and anything else you can think of.
Click here to go to the Smokey Kisses Donation page

Happy 2010 Everyone!

Hello all my friends out there!

It has been a long time since I have posted here, but I mean to bring these long silences to an end!
One of my goals for the new year is to post at least one new photo shoot every month for you all. I will need some help in doing it, but hopefully, we can work together to make it happen!

Some great news is that I now have a laptop computer AND I just was given a Handycam for Yule! This means that I can not only film videos , in addition to the regular photos, but I can also have live, smoking, video chats whenever I can be someplace with internet where I can smoke!

As most of you know, since I901 passed in 2005, smoking has been banned inside public places in Washington state. This means that photo shoots are a lot more challenging, especially in the winter months. One solution that has worked very well for this is hotels! Most hotels retain a few smoking rooms and also have wifi for guests, so they make a great option for smoking photo shoots any time of year! And, since it is private space, there are no limits on nudity or anything else.

Of course, hotels cost money, but with a little help from all of you, this should be no problem at all!
So.. Here's the plan.

Smokey Kisses,
~ Khaos